Catalog and Pricing

With Chondrion’s easy to use Catalog Manager, customizing your products and setting up unique offers has never been so versatile.

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Complete Online Catalog

All your products together in one interface. Easily sort by any number of criteria, add new products, edit existing or change featured products, and instantly see how any changes affect your online catalog from the customer’s view.


Highly Configurable Products

Easily create kits and bundles, multi-packs, and additional components to be added during fulfillment. Our unique catalog setup lets you configure different pricing tables, rules, and branding for each marketplace, product and/or customer. Add unlimited personalization and customization options. Regain complete control over how your products are presented.


Automatic Repricing

Capture the Buy Box more, without lifting a finger. Our proprietary smart algorithm lets you set your repricing rules for floor, cost, ceiling, and competitor undercutting. Override by Brand or Marketplace, and reduce price incrementally for stagnant inventory.